How To Choose A Divorce Lawyer

It is important to choose a good divorce attorney as the issues related to divorce may turn out to be quite complicated and need to be handled skillfully. The attorney you select should be able to deal with the complexities of the case and resolve it while keeping your best interest in mind.

Law and gavel

Here are some of the tips on how to choose a divorce lawyer:

  • Referral: Take advice from your friends, acquaintances and relatives about the divorce attorney. If you or someone from your family has already worked with a divorce lawyer, it can be of great help. You can also search online for divorce lawyers in your area. Go through their legal expertise and client testimonials to determine if he can represent your case.
  • Meet different lawyers: Arrange meetings with a few lawyers to know about their experience and practice areas. Ask them about the type of divorce cases that they have handled and what their outcomes were. You can also ask for references of some of their previous clients. You must choose a lawyer who makes you feel comfortable and with whom you can easily discuss the details of your case.
  • Cost: Before contacting any lawyer, you need to understand your budget. Lawyers charge differently depending upon their experience. Some lawyers may charge on hourly basis while others may ask for a fixed amount. Understand the variables involved in your case and select a lawyer who fits within your budget. However, you must not choose a lawyer based solely on the cost factor. The quality of representation you receive is equally important for a favorable outcome of the case.
  • Personal compatibility: You must feel comfortable communicating with the divorce lawyer. Right from the first consultation, you should be able to open up about the intricate facts of your divorce case. Trust your instincts and choose a lawyer who is willing to listen to your opinions and expectations from the case, without any subjectivity.

The above points will surely make it easy for you to choose the right lawyer for your divorce case.

Divorce Terminology

Divorce proceedings can be challenging and emotionally taxing for anyone. When one has to deal with a divorce, he needs to understand different terms often used by the lawyers as well as the court. Knowing the divorce terminology makes it easy for you to understand the procedure well.

  • Petition: It is a document filed by the person who wants to seek divorce from the court. It is also known as petition for dissolution of marriage. The document mentions the reDivorce Lawyer Killeen.jpglief wanted by the petitioner.
  • Interim Order: Interim order is a temporary order made by the court that lasts until the final order or a hearing is made. For example, a custody order that specifies who has the responsibility of the child until the final decree is issued. A non- permanent restraining order prevents a party from disposing of the property.
    Spousal Support: Spousal support is also known as Separate Maintenance Payments or Alimony. The court may order a spouse to pay financial help to other partner to whom support is owed.
  • Equitable Distribution: Divorce often requires the couple to divide the property acquired during the marriage equitably. This means the assets and debts are divided fairly depending upon the earning capacity of the parties and the duration of the marriage.
  • Custody: If the couple has a child, the court decides who will be responsible for him, which refers to the custody of the child. The custody can be joint or sole. In joint custody, both the parents contribute to the upbringing of the children and one of them is awarded primary physical custody with whom the children live. The other parent gets the visitation rights. In case of sole custody, only one parent gets the right to make decisions regarding the child.
  • Child support: The parents are legally obliged to support their children. During divorce, the court may order the non-custodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent. In case there is joint custody, the parent who has primary physical custody will get the child support from other parent. Every state has different set of criterion to determine the amount of child support.
  • Arrearage: The amount of money that is due for spousal or child support.
  • Decree: Decree is the court’s decision or written order finalizing the divorce.
  • Dissolution: Dissolution or divorce is legal termination of a marriage.

When you seek to end your marriage, it is advisable to hire an experienced divorce lawyer who can guide you through each step of the legal process and help to protect your rights.

What A Divorce Lawyer Can Do For You

Divorce is undoubtedly a life-changing decision that brings along huge stress for both spouses. It is essential to contact an experienced divorce lawyer to explore the best options and reach conclusions that are in your best interests. He can help you make informed decisions and resolve other divorce related issues. Here are some ways a divorce lawyer can be helpful.

  • Understand the divorce procedure: A divorce lawyer can help you understand every step of the divorce proceedings. He will thoroughly analyze the case as well as the relevant prDivorce Lawyer Killeen TXecedents to determine the potential outcomes. He will also let you know about the questions that can be asked by the prosecuting attorney and the right way to answer them.
  • Answer your queries: Your divorce lawyer will clear any doubts that you have regarding the case. He will answer all your queries and concerns about divorce, child custody, alimony, child support, property division etc. The lawyer will also help you understand the divorce laws and keep you updated about the case proceedings.
  • Handle paperwork: A lawyer will file the divorce petition in the court and dispatch summons to the other party. If your spouse has filed for divorce, your lawyer will be responsible to submit a response. He will also take care of all the paperwork such as motion for custodial support, temporary visitation arrangements, asset disclosure etc.
  • Mediation: Another important role played by a divorce lawyer is acting as a mediator. He helps in resolving the disputes between you and your spouse so that a conclusion can be reached with mutual consent.  During mediation, he ensures that both the parties agree upon a fair decision and that your rights are fully protected.
  • Protects the interests: A divorce lawyer helps to protect your best interests regarding your assets and spousal alimony. He ensures that the earnings are equitably distributed and you receive a justified amount for alimony as well as child support.
  • Settle issues related to child custody: If you have children, then the divorce lawyer helps you settle issues related to child custody. He negotiates the child visitation rights and various reliefs that the law grants. He prepares temporary visitation orders and custody arrangements.
  • Attend court hearings: Your lawyer will handle the court trials, maintain files and copies of all the documents that need to be presented to the judge. He will keep you informed about each step and try to expedite the finalization of the case.

By hiring a divorce lawyer, you can eliminate the need to deal with the complexities of the case and make decisions that can have a positive impact on you or your child’s life.

Things To Avoid During Divorce Proceedings

With the intense emotional pressure that surrounds a divorce, it is understandable why people end up making the worst mistakes during the period leading up to the divorce, and often have to live with these decisions for the rest of their lives.

Here is a look at some of the biggest pitfalls made during divorce proceedings:

  • Making poorly informed decisions: While you might think that divorces areDivorce Lawyers Killeen governed by common sense, and that you are smart enough to know what is right for you, the truth is that a divorce is a purely legal process, which is why it is important to seek legal counsel. Hiring an experienced divorce lawyer in Killeen can help make your job a lot easier, ensuring you understand the legal implications of every decision you make.
  • Allowing the attorney to control the entire process: Although it is important to hire an attorney to guide you through the process, this does not mean that you completely hand over the reins of your divorce in his hands. It is important to remain involved throughout the process, and ask as many questions as you need, to ensure that you completely understand what you are signing up for.
  • Following an approach of revenge: If you step into the courtroom with revenge against your soon-to-be ex-spouse being your prime motive, be ready for nothing more than an inflated ego. It sure might be satisfying to lash out at them and let the entire courtroom know how they have wronged you, but you need to understand that the court will not punish anyone without proper procedure and decorum followed.
  • Settling too low or committing to high: When it comes to the financial aspects of a divorce, it is far too common for one party to be exploited without them even realizing it. Divorce lawyers can play a major role here, helping you to have a realistic view of what to expect in the years to come, and take into account often ignored aspects such as tax implications and inflation. Your goal should be to play it fair with everyone involved, you included.
  • Letting emotions come in the way: Another common mistake witnessed is people choose a less-valuable asset like their marital home, over a much more lucrative one, like say, a share of their spouse’s pension. It is important to ensure that you do not let emotions govern the decisions you make during this testing time.

Lawyer For Drug Possession In Killeen, Texas

Being found in the possession of drugs in the state of Texas can have severe consequences, depending on the nature of drugs and their quantity. Texas law divides drugs into four penalty groups, based on the severity of their possession. The drugs that are included in these categories are not limited to marijuana, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, methamphetamine, PCP, opium, and morphine. The Texas state government incurs a lot of expenditure in the trial of drug offenders, aiming to set an example of them.

No matter how insignificant the amount of drugs you are found in possession of, you could face serious criminal charges, including going behind the bars, huge fines, and even a suspended driver’s license. In case the drug falls under penalty group 1, and you are found with large quantities, you could be at risk of being sentenced to life imprisonment.

Once you are accused of drug possession in Killeen, the first thing you need to do is hire a criminal lawyer to present your case in court. It is advisable to carry out enough research regarding lawyers in your area. When it comes to cases of drug possession, the experience of the lawyer makes a huge difference in determining the fate of case. Feel free to ask for lawyer killeenreferences, and contact them regarding their experience with the lawyer in question.

Having the right lawyer can go a long way in reducing the severity of your conviction, especially in Killeen, TX, where drug possession is considered to be a serious criminal offense.  A well-experienced criminal lawyer will be able to assess the conditions of your arrest, and hence build a strong defense in your favor. For instance, it might be possible to gather evidence to prove that the drugs were planted on your property or on you without your knowledge, or that there wasn’t any proper evidence showing that you were in possession of drugs at the time of your arrest.

A common defense that works in favor of drug offenders is the violation of civil rights. Being well versed with the law, your criminal lawyer can carefully analyze the circumstances of your arrest, and find a way to show that your civil rights were violated at the time of your arrest. This could help to reduce the charges filed against you, or even completely drop them.

How Can A Custody Lawyer Help You?

Custody cases are amongst the most complicated and turbulent lawsuits and finding oneself embroiled in such a case is no less than a nightmare. However, with a well-experienced custody lawyer to help you, the process can be a made a lot easier and streamlined. To start with, such a lawyer plays the role of the middleman between both parties, eliminating the need for direct communication, which can often result in unnecessary friction. Moreover, a child custody lawyer helps you to have a clear understanding of the laws of your state surrounding child custody, increasing the chances of you working in the direction of a win.

The child custody lawyer will evaluate the individual parameters of your case, including your variables, as well as those of the opponent party, hence coming up with a clear picture of the course that the case is likely to take. By understanding the points that could possibly work against you, you can make certain efforts, with the help of your lawyer, to eliminate them or decrease their impact by the day of the court hearing.

Other steps could include joining parenting classes, making renovations in your home, getting a better job, attending counseling sessions, etc. Cases in which you have lost custody of your children once and are trying to get it back can be more complicated. In these cases, your child custody lawyer can recommend other precautionary measures, such as attending all hearings of the case, following restriction clauses, abiding by visitation rules, returning your kids on time, etc. Sometimes it might be a better idea to request visitation or shared custody before fighting for complete custody.

 While choosing a child custody lawyer in Killeen TX, it is a good idea to carry out some basic research beforehand. Make sure that the lawyer you choose has a positive track record, and previous experience in dealing with child custody cases. It also helps to discuss issues regarding the lawyer’s fee well in advance. You want to be clear about any additional costs that shall be incurred in the process of the case beforehand, and also be clear about clauses regarding winning fee, etc.